Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Little Ones

Let's get started.

Only took me 7 months to do this, but I've finally set this thing up. It's been a good 4 years since I've done something like this. Hopefully this time there will be less trite, but I won't make any promises. I will update this blog at least once a week, more if I feel inspired. I'm not going for anything scholarly here, nor am I trying to polish my writing skills. This web log is more or less a way for me to avoid sending a mass email to people (as that would be too impersonal, heh) but to update folks on I'm doing. I will offer you my insight on various topics here and there, but a good amount of it will be a lot of stream of consciousness and updates on how my days have gone.

To my friends and family, I can only hope you'll find some of what I have to say interesting at the very least.